
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Morsi Bites the Dust

So long Mr. Morsi!
Green search lights shone from the street as fireworks explode in the distance at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. The main thoroughfare was packed with Egyptians in tense anticipation of the end of the 48-hour deadline the Egyptian military has given for Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi to resign or agree to some sort of compromise.

The cheering of the crowd was constant as various people shout in loudspeakers and blow horns and whistles. Callers exhort the crowd in political chanting. The atmosphere was almost festive, despite the possibility of a bloody civil war. The protests of the past week have resulted in numerous deaths.

Finally, as Wednesday evening dragged on, Egyptian General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi broadcast on national television the removal of President Mohammed Morsi from power. The new interim president is Adly Mansour, who was until now, head of the Supreme Constitutional Court.

The Egyptian army has deployed soldiers around the Presidential compound and army vehicles have been stationed at Tahrir Square as well, although their presence is minimal compared to the mass cheering, flag waving and celebratory fireworks.

Revolution or not, the shameful treatment of women in Egypt continues:

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