Some pics from King David's tomb.
Nice threads:
Outside the Old City near Jaffa Gate:
Some pics from King David's tomb.
Nice threads:
Outside the Old City near Jaffa Gate:
What to say, and what not to say at the seder table: Pesach=Peh-Sach
Gratitiude: Hakarat Hatov
Getting ready: Preparing For Passover
Some things never change: Blogger's Pre-Passover Guilt Trip
I would like to hear Yaakov Shwekey and Yonatan Razel sing this one:
A New Song For the Passover Seder
Have a happy and Kosher Passover!
The decay of American Jewry has of course had an effect on its relation with the State of Israel, I recommend reading a series of essays at Mosaic Magazine that deal with the topic:
If American Jews and Israel Are Drifting Apart, What's the Reason?
How American Jews Have Detached Themselves from Jewish Memory
Unspoken Reasons for the American Jewish Distancing from Israel
Israel: The Canvas on Which American Jews Project Their Hopes and Fears
Dear American Jews:
"The Holy One Blessed Be He gave three good gifts to Israel, and all of them He did not give except through affliction, and they are: Torah, and the Land Of Israel, and the World To Come.(Berachot 5A)"The time has come! You have been given three special gifts! Come and claim them!
Update: Rabbi Alderstein also took notice.