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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Open Thread For Tuesday

I know that this is a pompous thing to do. So what, it was fun last week. Say what's on your mind, or just let me know that you were here. Thanks.


Ze'ev said...

Cosmic... people are going to start thinking that you're desperate for comments... (you're not the only one) - but better to be desperate for comments than for other things...

Cosmic X said...

Not desperate, but I do admit that I like them. Thanks for being the first to jump in. BTW, with regards to the latest Hizbollah attacks: Ever since the withdrawl from Lebanon, Northern Israel is under the threat of katushas. Tzahal doesn't react in a serious way, because they are afraid of what Hizbollah will do.

We're living in a tough neighborhood. He who shows weakness is lost.

Cosmic X said...

Just saw the rainbow pictures on you blog Ze'ev. Very nice!

Ze'ev said...

We get rainbows pretty often in our neck of the woods, I live in Ma'aleh Adumim, just of out of Jerusalem, but already in the desert, so the waether changes somewhere between where I live and Hebrew U., which creates some pretty amazing sights...

Baruch Hashem...

And as for Hezbollah and Israel's non-response - we are a bunch of wooses - we are afraid of our own Shadown and the world, of course...

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Hi Cosmic -

I was here. I just blogged about the hero of yesterday's attack up North. See it on my blog here:

Akiva said...

Well, it's raining heavily here in New Jersey. Spoke with a friend this morning who lives in the Shomron, says the weather there is pretty rough, though of course Israel needs the water (for bracha, not for klala!).

Cosmic X said...

I think Jameel said that a friend sent it to him in a email.

Anonymous said...

People are out there=keep up the good work.