
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Did You Ever See a Hoopoe?

I saw one at Hebrew U. yesterday:

"Duchifat" is the bird's name in Hebrew. It is the State of Israel's national bird. Hoopoe!!!


Soccer Dad said...

And it is not kosher. But then, neither is a bat, which, if I remember correctly is mentioned next. (Assuming that Atalef in the Torah means the same thing as it does in modern Hebrew. Tinshemet, according to Rashi is the bat.)

Cosmic X said...

Neither is the Bald Eagle!

Soccer Dad said...

But shouldn't the official bird of the Jewish state be Kosher?

(Apparently Benjamin Franklin favored the wild turkey as the American bird; that's kosher.)

Cosmic X said...

Soccer Dad,

It's just the official bird. We don't have to eat it. BTW, the Torah had no problem comparing the tribes with non-kosher animals: Judah to a lion, Benjamin to a wolf, and Dan to a snake.

rickismom said...

Congradulations on a nice picture!

Cosmic X said...

Thanks rikismom.

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