
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exit Poll Results


Channel 1:

Likud: 28
Kadima: 30
Yisrael Beiteinu: 14
HaAvoda: 13
Shas: 9
HaIchud HaLeumi: 3
HaBayit HaYehudi: 4
Yahadut HaTorah: 5
Meretz :5
Arab Parties: 9

Channel 2:

Likud: 27
Kadima: 29
Yisrael Beiteinu: 15
HaAvoda: 13
Shas: 10
HaIchud HaLeumi: 3
HaBayit HaYehudi: 4
Yahadut HaTorah: 5
Meretz : 4
Arab Parties: 10

Channel 10:

Likud: 28
Kadima: 30
Yisrael Beiteinu: 15
HaAvoda: 13
Shas: 9
HaIchud HaLeumi: 3
HaBayit HaYehudi: 3
Yahadut HaTorah: 5
Meretz : 4
Arab Parties: 10

The bottom line is that Avigdor Lieberman will decide who will be the next Prime Minister.

Here is the current Knesset for comparison:

Current Knesset:

Likud: 12
Kadima: 29
Yisrael Beiteinu: 11
HaAvoda: 18
Shas: 12
HaIchud HaLeumi: 2
HaBayit HaYehudi: 5
Achi: 2
Agudat Yisrael: 4
Degel HaTorah: 2
Meretz : 4
Arab Parties: 10
Pensioners: 6
Meimad: 1
The Right Way: 1


Anonymous said...

Yes, he probably will... and considering Kadima has pursued his prosecution, he we'll either use that as leverage to keep him out of legal hot water permanently or go with Likud.

Then again, I do not put much faith in leftist media exit polls.. We all know that they are a bunch of self-optimists. I think the Ichud Leumi guesstimate is WAY of by at least 3-5 mandates too.

Anonymous said...

sorry, i meant they are "way OFF" by at least 3-5 mandates

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