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Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Na Nach Nacma Nachman Me'Uman Here (Yet)

The bridge is still clean. I suspect that the pic that Rafi put up is photoshopped.


Rafi G. said...

I'll trust you over a picture whose source I don't know... but are you sure you looked at the same stretch of the bridge?

Cosmic X said...


I looked at the bridge from both sides. There is no graffiti on the bridge (yet). There is a guard there that makes sure that no one goes up on the bridge.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Cosmic: Actually, I suspect the picture is authentic, but not recent -- if you look at the picture it seems to be when the bridge was more in the building stages...

(And therefore, the bridge was cleaned since then)

Cosmic X said...


I guess we'll never know for sure. The low resolution of the picture makes me suspicious that we're dealing with fauxtography.