
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Za'atar Eggs

Every so often I get an email from Batya telling me to submit recipes for the KCC, that's the Kosher Cooking Carnival.

Batya must think that I know how to cook. So I decided to demonstrate my great culinary skills in this post. I'm sure that you all will be awed.

This dish is the za'atar egg. To make it we need two eggs, preferably organic ones from Giv'ot Olam:

We also need a little bit of canola oil , and a lot of za'atar . Za'atar is a spice usually made out of thyme, sesame seeds, sumac, and salt. I never heard of it until I came to Israel. The main ingredient in za'atar is the thyme (in Hebrew Eizov). It grows wild in the mountainous regions of Israel. It is mentioned in the Torah several times, and is usually translated as hyssops. For instance:
21 Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them: 'Draw out, and take you lambs according to your families, and kill the passover lamb. 22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side-posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning.

The chumash lesson is over and now the cooking class begins.

Pour a little bit of canola oil in a frying pan. While the oil is heating up, crack open an egg into a clear cup in order to check it for blood spots from all angles:

If the egg is blood free, pour it into the pan. Do the same for the second egg.

Now you have to smother these eggs with za'atar:

Be sure to flip the eggs over to make sure that they are well fried. The result:



Batya said...

very impressive
and thanks

Cosmic X said...

I knew that you would be impressed that Iknow how to fry an egg!

Yaakova said...

Finally, a use for all that za'atar that I brought back to the US from Israel. :)

I just have to tell you.. this post has been cracking me up for days!

Cosmic X said...


I'm glad that you liked it. :-)>

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