This was the home of the Bart family in Kfar Darom. Today, thanks to Israel's immoral and corrupt government, it is a pile of rubble. The mother of the family,
Channah, was paralyzed from the waist down four years ago
as the result of a terror attack. The Bart family bravely stayed in Kfar Darom. The Israeli government cowardly retreated from Kfar Darom, handing it over to the terrorists who wounded Channah and killed and wounded many others. (Photo by Moshe X)

We will not forget what was done and who was responsible!
On Monday nights I attend a politics lecture. The point was raised that the Hitnatkut has happened, and while we shouldn't forget how the goverment went about doing this, as a nation we need to build from this experience and move on.
I was anti the disengaement, and Sharon lost my support, but at the moment we need not be angry, we need to be supportive and help these people rebuild their homes, lives and identities. Yes, the goverment stole these things from these people, humiliated and belittled them, but we need to be a united country, stand strong, and be one people.
We, as Jews, have the obligation to root out evil. We will be not be strong or united as long as those who perpetrated the evil are still pulling the strings. This group includes not only politicians, but also businessmen, journalists, judges, policemen, and career army officers.
Yes, we need to build from this experience and know that where the fear of G-d is lacking, anything and everything is possible, as our father Abraham said so succinctly to Avimelech: "There is no fear of God in this place. They would kill me on account of my wife!" (Genesis 20:11). We have to redouble our efforts to engage the people of Israel to Torah. We have clearly seen that the lack of connection to Torah sooner or later breeds a lack of connection to the people of Israel, the land of Israel, and to everything Jewish. And as I posted previously, Rabbi Kook warned us about this.
I agree with you that those expelled from their homes need our support. But let's not forget that the government sinned not only against those who were expelled. The government sinned against G-d and the entire Jewish People.
CosmicX - I wasn't particularly fond of the way things turned out on Disengagement Day(s). In fact, allow me to correct myself - I was impressed by the relative restraint displayed but I was not satisfied by all the politics, bickering and sinat chinam that went on prior.
My friend, we have to avoid using phrases like "to root out evil. We will be not be strong or united as long as those who perpetrated the evil are still pulling the strings".
While many may agree with you, it is unhelpful and in fact damaging to the rebuilding of this State to classify others Jews and Zionists as evil. Sharon does not intend to destroy Israel and he would have rejected settlement evacuation if they'd been another viable option that he could see on the table. The same can be said for many Israeli leaders.
It hurts and we must remain committed - but not overtly provocative. We must all agree to disagree and carry on building the State and preparing for even greater challenges and real evil that will face us in the future.
KIC Facilitator
I beg to disagree. Evil is evil. Destroying Jewish communitees is evil. Destroying Jewish communitees in the land of Israel, the land that G-d has commanded us to settle is super evil. Evil cannot and should not be whitewashed. It is unfortunate that Jews and Zionists (whatever this word means) did such an evil thing. You wrote:
"Sharon does not intend to destroy Israel and he would have rejected settlement evacuation if they'd been another viable option that he could see on the table."
Uprooting settlements under fire was Mitzna's policy that Sharon rejected before the previous elections. "Netzarim is just like Tel Aviv," he said. When he changed his mind the issue was voted upon by the Likud Central Commitee and also by all Likud members. Sharon lost both times. Sharon chose to ignore these democratic decisions. This is evil.
Sharon betrayed his voters and his party and fired ministers from his government just because they didn't agree with him. This is evil.
Sharon used the IDF, a people's army with obligatory conscription against his own people. This is evil.
I could go on and on.
Michael, if we ignore evil, if we whitewash evil, in the end we will not know the difference between good and evil. In fact, I'm convinced that many have already reached this stage.
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