
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Cosmic X And Yingele Protest In Jerusalem

Yesterday I was at the protest near the entrance to Jerusalem and I had the pleasure of meeting Yingele there. He's a really nice guy. Here are some screen captures from a video I took of the protest:

Protesters block car on Givat Shaul Street:


Border guard policemen run after protesters on the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Highway:

Run with me!

Female protester apprehended:


Water cannon blocks Givat Shaul Street:

water cannon

Israeli police on motorcycles:

Black hats and black helmets

Smiling in spite of it all:



Blagger said...

great pictures! The one with the female apprehended is especially horrifying...

Cosmic X said...

Devorah Chaya,

Do you believe in miracles? I do.


Glad you liked the pics.

Cosmic X said...

Devorah Chaya,

I (Cosmic X) am the one that asked the question. The point of the question is that we do need a miracle. Your point about mesirut nefesh is well taken!

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