

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Nasrallah: Arab Children Murdered By Hizbullah Are Shahids

Arutz 7 reports:
Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah has issued an apology to the Nazareth Arab family whose two children, Rabiya and Mahmou Talouzi, were killed by a Katyusha missile.

"I ask this family for forgiveness, he told Al-Jazeera. "I know apologies are insufficient and I take full responsibility. It was not intentional and the dead in Nazareth are considered martyrs like those in Lebanon, Palestine and the resistance."
If Nasrallah accepts full responsibility does that mean that he will turn himself in to the police in order to stand trial for murder?

Meanwhile another Muslim cleric proves that he is totally divorced from reality:
Sheik Abu El-Walid Ghazalain stood amid dozens of mourners Thursday and held up photographs of the two Arab-Israeli brothers, ages 3 and 7, who were killed by a Hezbollah rocket while playing soccer.

"Israel has killed these two," the white-bearded sheik said as he stood next to the boys' shell-shocked father. "Not Hezbollah."
The article also contains the following:
The dead boys' aunt, Wafiqa, who has three sons who were nearly killed by the rocket, said Hezbollah "did not mean to hit us."

"I would sacrifice my life for (Hezbollah leader) Hassan Nasrallah. I hope victory will come to the Arab nations," she said.
Do I smell a fifth column here? Don't say that you weren't warned.

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