by Cosmic X

Greetings, pleased to meet you, hello,
I want to write about the color yellow,
You probably suppose that I'm a foolish fellow,
To pen a poem about potent yellow.
I'll grab my guitar and you catch your cello,
And maybe we'll melodize something mellow,
A song about sunflowers, corn on the cob, or lemon jello,
Bananas and dandelions of incandescent yellow.
I'll raise my voice and sing a solo,
I'll sing loud and even bellow,
It's true I am a foolish fellow,
To yip and yap and yack away about yellow.
I wish I had you for a parent.
Also, you should replace "a solo" with "a capello". (even though it's spelled wrong)
I'm flattered. BTW, you have a great screen name! There must be something deep behind it. You could have typed "asdf jkl;" like my typing teacher did. It's much easier than typing cplpecmh.
What I wrote to cplpecmh applies to you as well (Why do I have a feeling that you are one and the same?)
It's good to know that there are poetry fans out there!
It's easy, I just use the google verification word as my name.
Someday I'll get bored of it and start using "Name/URL" as my name/URL.
The good old "copy and paste because I am lazy" trick.
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