No rowdy protests at the entrance to Jerusalem yesterday. The police, however, took no chances, and sent a contingent to keep order. They were left with nothing to do but sit around:

The only one blocking the street is a cop:

These pro-expulsion blue ribbon distributers hail from the Baq'a neighborhood of Jerusalem. Baq'a was an Arab neighborhood until Israel's 1948 War of Independence:

A peaceful demonstration at the intersection of Kiryat-Moshe Street and Herzl Boulevard:

The sign says "O my land don't cry. We will never leave you or abandon you":

The sign says "The sign says, "One does not compromise on his mother":

Painting the town orange:

thanks for keeping us posted.
Great pictures. I was in a cab this week in Jm and someone thrust a blue ribbon into it near Sacher Park. The driver just crumpled it and put it on the floor.
Did you take these with a digital camera, or your pelephone? B/c ya know, if you were to use a really good camera, these would be really marvelous, instead of just really nice.
These are screen captures from video, hence the poor quality.
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