One of the differences between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv is the ubiquity of motorcycles in the latter. They are everywhere! It seems that the Tel Aviv traffic jams have made motorcycle travel attractive for those that have to get where they are going fast. Another factor is the fact that in a city where parking your car can be expensive, the bikers can usually find free parking on the sidewalk.
A Jerusalemite should be very careful when walking the streets of Tel Aviv. Even though all of the cars on the street have stopped, a motorcycle is liable to pop out of nowhere in an attempt to circumvent a snarl-up.
Here are some motorcycles enjoying free parking on Rothschild Blvd.:
I would love to own one but I value my life too much....
Me too.
I have considered it. My wife said she would kill me if I did
That's what I call pikuach nefesh!
lol. that's right. it turns out either way it is pikuach nefesh - either because of the bike or because of the wife!
it would make a scandal here in lakewood. i hope some one tries soon. lol
Frum WHAT????
The jblogosphere never ceases to amaze me!
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