
Monday, October 06, 2008

Holy Grape Juice

7 Tishrei, 5769

The shmittah year may be over, but here in the land of Israel we are still eating holy shmittah fruits.

Last week I received two boxes of holy shmittah grape juice, each one containing twelve one-liter bottles. The box comes with a sheet with instructions concerning the special holy grape juice. For instance, it is forbidden to take the juice outside of the holy land of Israel. It is also forbidden to waste this juice, so you can't overfill your kiddush or havdalah cup until it runs over. There is a lot of other things to know but this is just a blog post, not a shmittah guide!

Here's a pic of two bottles with my kiddush cup and a figurine of a Jew learning Torah:

Why in the world did I put a figurine of a Jew learning Torah you ask? Perhaps the Jew is a farmer who is taking advantage of the Shmittah year to learn more. Perhaps he is learning the different laws concerning the holy shmittah grape juice. Perhaps I like figurines of Jews learning Torah. Whatever.


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Kedushat Shvi'it!!

Cosmic X said...

It really is something to get excited about!

Rafi G. said...

eating kedushat sheviit is great, but with wine things are much more difficult than with fruit and vegetables. you have to worry about spilling and finishing the whole cup and much more...

Cosmic X said...

No problem here about finishing the whole cup. :) I'll be drinking some grape juice today. I heard that it is good to drink grape juice before a fast.

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