
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Rabinfest 2005: "Shalom Chaver" Clinton Returns

Bli Neder, my last Rabinfest 2005 post.

Last night was the annual rally, this year featuring former U.S. President Bill Clinton:
Clinton ended his speech by saying "Shalom Haver," Hebrew for "Goodbye friend," the same words he famously used to bid farewell to Rabin at the Israeli leader's funeral.
Orthomom remembers what she felt ten years ago when she heard Clinton say "Shalom chaver":
I cried hardest during those awful dark days while watching the funeral, and cried hardest during the funeral when I heard Bill Clinton say those famous words "Shalom, chaver". I still don't know why his words resonated so with me. I didn't feel a particular connection with Clinton before then, but all I know is hearing those words, that day, from that man, made me sob and sob.
Here's a link from someone who feels differently.


orthomom said...

Thanks for the link. I have to say, though, I found the other link a bit hateful. Personally, I am certainly no worshiper of the cult of Clinton, but his tearful words that day just seemed exactly right.

Cosmic X said...

I know Orthomom. You made it clear in your post that you are not part of the Clinton cult. I found the other link humorous, not hateful. BTW, the morning after the murder my wife went to a store and the proprietor refused to serve "someone who is happy that the Prime Minister was murdered." Of course any Jewish woman who covers her hair is happy that the Prime Minister got murdered. That is the kind of moonbattery that has become part of the Rabin cult ever since.

orthomom said...

BTW, the morning after the murder my wife went to a store and the proprietor refused to serve "someone who is happy that the Prime Minister was murdered." Of course any Jewish woman who covers her hair is happy that the Prime Minister got murdered.

So your wife had a very similar experience to mine.

Eliyahu m'Tsiyon said...

a couple of points: CNN claimed that the Rabin reinterment or disinterment ceremony attracted 200,000 persons, far beyond the Israeli TV estimate, which was 40,000 when I was watching, and maybe rose to 50,000. These 200,000 seem to be part of CNN's propagandistic policy, or maybe wishful thinking.

What I thought was most outrageous about Clinton's speech was his appeal to the Jewish Diaspora to give money to Gaza. The PA/PLO gang get billions from the EU, USA, Japan, oil-rich Arab states, etc. And Clinton wants Jews to give them money too!!

Now, I would like to have your comments on a thesis that I put on my blog. I am arguing that the Jews were at the bottom of the social heap in Israel under Ottoman rule, before Zionism. I'd like to have your comments on this thesis, which could be significant in making our case. Two links are below and others on similar topics were put up at about the same time.

Cosmic X said...


I saw your posts and you bring sources to back up your claims (unlike some other bloggers that I know, who shall remain nameless). I once took a course to be a tour guide in Jerusalem. In the framework of the course I had to learn the history of Jerusalem. I was not surprised by your thesis because it is consistent with what I learned. If you want, I'll try to find more sources for your thesis, although I think that you proved your point quite well.

With regards to how many people attend a particular rally, I've long given up relying on the MSM for an accurate estimate.


Today is Rabin's yahrzeit, and I hope that it brings Rabinfest 2005 officially to a close. I do not listen to the radio during the yearly Rabinfest. I have a wife a children to support and I cannot afford to be ill!

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

CosmicX: My wife was attacked at Tzomet Morasha that day 10 years ago...because of a "rightwing" bumper sticker on our car. A crowd of leftists tried smashing the windows of her car while they were yelling anti-right wing slogans. She managed to drive away when the light turned green without getting hurt, since our car has plastic rock-proof windows.

Hopefully, RabinFest Intifada 2005 is coming to a close...hopefully it won't flare up again during the year.

Cosmic X said...


It seems that Rabinfest 2005 is coming to an end today, albeit with a bang. The Israeli MSM is full of moonbattery today.

It sounds like Tzomet Morasha can be as dangerous as the Muqata.

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